Pre/Post Rehab

What gets you better, keeps you better!

Movement health is life-long. Keeping nerves, muscles, joints and tendons healthy requires the right kind of regular behaviors (i.e. movements and exercises). Hayashida Physical Therapy believes in coaching you towards injury prevention and performance once your injury is rehabilitated.

Partnering with our sister company, Variant Training Lab, we give you access to the proprietary model of Test, Treat, Train. Wherein, built as a monthly membership, Variant’s goal is to provide you an all-in-one place where physicians, physical therapists, trainers, nutritionists, and data scientists work together with you to build a longer, better-performing life.

Whether it’s returning to a sport, or simply achieving your best version of daily living, Hayashida Physical Therapy and Variant Training Lab are here to partner with you before, during, and after your injury!

Looking to get back to competition?
Choose Variant’s Return to Sport Program

The Variant Return to Sport Program is a data driven approach for returning athletes to their respected sport following injury.

Mobility, coordination, strength, power, and speed will be tested in Variant's biomechanics laboratory as it relates to your injury and sport. Using these results, an individualized training program will be created to improve associated weak links.

Through training and regular re-testing, we will help you make strides towards preventing re-injury and competing at the highest possible level.

HPT Variant Logo

"I have endured five running injuries in recent years including knee, hamstring, and hip which I thought might end my 49 years of regular runs. Each time I was treated by Hayashida therapists and could return to consistent running. Hayashida prescribed exercises have prevented the same problem to recur. I highly recommend Hayashida & Associates Physical Therapy for any sports injury."

Edwin P.

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